Thursday, July 28, 2011
HNT - Dress Shopping
I love this dress!! The best part about it is you dont have to wear a bra. Score!!
I have been on somewhat of a sexual hiatus. Not wanting. Now that I do want it, I start my period go figure. The balance in my life is crazy. I can't think about or talk about sex because then I want to try more and do more and think more. If those areas need to be shut down or be controlled sex kind of loses it's whole appeal. It's a work in progress. In the end I hope to be happy.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Extreme Pure Gold Leopard Mask & Whip
I have gotten something new and different. Usually I get vibrators of some shape or size but this time I got accessories to wear and play with.
I love the colors, the animal print and the visions of a good time I get when I look at this toy. When I look at the shiny gold and silver animal print it makes me want to let out my inner animal and growl. Cheesy, I know.
I have yet to try this out with the man (sexual slump) but I have put on the mask and flashed the whip around to see how it would feel. The masks material that goes against the face is leather like and it felt cool in the beginning but after taking pictures and wearing it, it started making my face sweat. I can understand having sex and sweating but I wore it for maybe ten minutes. I was curious about the whip and if it would hurt but it didn't. The whip sparked just enough to make it enjoyable and not overly painful. Then again it depends on the strength of the person using it.
The details of this toy are:
Bulk Weight: 3.4(oz) / 0.1(kg)
Stretch-to-fit eye mask with soft comfortable lining
Sturdy fetish whip
Opulent metallic and velvet leopard print
PU and Resin Fiber (mask) Polyester (elastic) Nickel-Free Copper (rivets) Cotton (mask lining) PU (whip, hang loop)
15”/ 38 cm (whip)
I would recommend this toy to people because it is fun, it is light and it can really spice up boring bedroom sex. I would even recommend getting a sexy outfit to go with it.
To find out more you can go here.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more products mentioned above free from manufacturer. My review of the product is based on my personal opinion. I recommend and endorse products based on what I believe is best for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's Guidelines, CFR, Part 255.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Sunday Stealing: The Honesty Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!
Complete the Sentences:
Right now I'm feeling...
My vibrator on my pussy
When I'm alone I feel...
Vibrations surrounding my pussy
When I'm surrounded by people I feel...
Like touching my pussy. Lol just kidding I feel somewhat happy when around people
One thing I hate is...
Clean clothes in the dirty clothes hamper
One thing I really like about myself is ...
My hair and my boobies. Smile
When I'm feeling sad I...
Take bath listen to music
When I daydream it's usually about...
Traveling or being somewhere else
I'm afraid of... Loved one dying unexpected
I'm happiest when...surrounded by quiet or having fun
One thing that really worries me is ...
My anger issues
If I could change one thing about myself it would be...
My anger issues
If I could be with anyone right now I would be with...
My hub
The family member I am closest to is...
If I was really honest with my father I would tell him...
I miss him
One thing I regret about my life is ...
Having kids too soon
If I only had one more day to live I would...
Say I love you
If I was really honest with my mother i would tell her...
She is cool
One thing about me that nobody knows is...
I am religious
I hope that someday in the future...
I can move forward
When I think about my family I feel...
Something I'm really embarrassed about is...
Nothing really, farting?
One thing about me I never want to change is...
My attitude
One thing I feel really proud of is...
My children
Blogsville has helped me to...
Open up about sex and try new things
One thing I like about blogsville is...
The diversity
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Fawk you Friday
<a href=""><img src="" alt="BWS tips button" width="125" height="125" /></a>
Fawk You (not a profanity) Friday is my little brain child, co-hosted with the lovely Christy from My Mad Mind--A therapeutic way to whine, rant, complain, piss & moan about anything that's bothering you. Each Friday, We will have a new linky up....I'd love to see everyone throw a finger in the air every Friday with us!
Fawk you to airport food being so fuckin expensive. Seriously!
HNT - Embrace
Happy HNT! I am off for some fun with my girlfriend so I enjoy this embrace with my honey and I look forward to coming home to this embrace. Airport here I come ;-)
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sunday stealing
Sunday Stealing: The Plaid Hat Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water?
Turn it on first
2. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex?
Of course
3. Were you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings?
Ewwwwww I only have brothers
4. Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot?
5. How old do people say you look?
Early twenties
6. How old do you act?
Age is just a number it doesn't limit me on the things I do or do not do
7. What's the last song you sang?
She's So Gone by Lemonade Mouth
8. Have you recently become a member of anything?
9. What are your plans for next weekend?
Spending some time in the great state of Ohio with my bf
10. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed?
Both depends on what else is going on ;-p
11. Whats the sexiest thing about Sarah Palin?
12. Who's the sexiest famous woman alive?
They are all sexy
13. Who's the sexiest famous man alive?
Why limit?!
14. Does your family have a crazy uncle?
No. Funny maybe
15. Have you ever smuggled something into another country?
Never been
16. Do you live in a city with a good sports team?
17. What is the most unusual?
Lions and tigers an bears
18. How do feel about the Goth people?
They are funny people dressed in black. Just like everyone else
19. Can you fix or your significant other your own car?
Yes thank goodness
20. Would you want to kill Casey Anthony yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it?
No ;-( killing is bad even if other people don't see it
Sorry I have been missing in action life has gotten full of excitement and busy. I found twitter and it has been an obsession. Try to wean myself off a little but usually doesn't last long. I mean hell I even forgot Saturday Sex Spot ;-(. I will get back on the train but this week is going to be crazy especially since I will be on vacation a bit. Oh well luv to all and hope you have a great day.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
HNT - tummy
This is my hardest
Where my worries all come to a head
My nerves peak
And I hold my breath
Waiting for a response
This is where I have a hard time with self acceptance
Yes I had been stretched by four beautiful babes
Yes I have been enjoyed by a loving man
Beauty has come from me
From my tummy
But it still makes me hide
Makes me worry
Holding my breath
Waiting for my loving response
To see other HNTers go click on the button
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wicked Wednesday
It is Wicked Wednesday and another free topic so I am choosing to talk about going commando, which is being inspired by Hubman.
I don't know about YOU but I think going commando is wickedly sexy. It screams, 'I am ready to be fucked.' I personally have not gone commando that much unless I am visiting the man at work or we are going out to have some fun. When I go commando I tend to get dripping wet and it is not exactly fun after awhile unless someone cleans it up. ;-)
Now thinking about a guy going commando is extremely hot!! My hubby has done it a few times and I have enjoyed unzipping his pants to see a great surprise. Delicious!
I am curious on what people think about going commando. Hot or Not so Hot? Have you done it?
Let's be wicked!! Go link up
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
WTF Weekly Meme
1) If you had a mind-reading ability but could only choose three people to read their minds, who would they be?
I wouldn't want to read anyone's mind that I am close too. I would hate for it to ruin our relationships
2) Do you listen to music that matches your mood or improves your mood? (Meaning when you're sad, do you listen to sad music that matches the mood or happy music to lift you up? Or, if you're angry, do you listen to angry music or soothing music to calm you down? And so forth...)
Definitely listen to pick-me up happy music.
3) Boy bands New Kids On The Block and Backstreet Boys have joined together to form a new band called NKOTBSB. What two musical acts would you like to combine efforts? (The musicians don't have to be currently popular, but they do, of course, need to be alive to be able to record new music.)
I don't know bands and people that well to combine them
4) July 1-7 is "Pleasure Week." What is a hobby that you find to be extremely pleasurable?
Massages ;-)
5) The second week of July is "Nude Recreation Week." (Seriously. I couldn't make this sh*t up.) If you had the chance to go to a nudist resort for a free vacation, would you go?
Hell yeah!! All you have to say is vacation and I am there
6) Casey Anthony was found not guilty of murder in the death of her daughter on Tuesday. Do you think she got away with murder, or do you think she was innocent?
I didn't really follow this case besides what people have posted. But seriously not reporting your own baby missing for a month?! That has to be the first clue
7) Which of Snow White's seven dwarfs describes you best and why? (Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey)
Bashful. Very shy in the beginning
8) If I Googled your name what would I find?
Some funny information ;-)
9) What is more difficult for you -- looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling the person how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel?
Both. Rejection is so hard. Giving or receiving. I would be afraid of it
10) Have you ever swallowed something really strange? If so, what was it and how did things turn out for you?
Ummm yeah cum was really strange but you get used to it after a while lol
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Ever since getting my tattoo life has been different. Not so different in the way I do things but different for when I am around people. I just feel different. I suppose it is not all because of the tattoo but that is when I started noticing a change.
I have told my mom about the tattoo. She was at our families reunion, which we couldn't make it too, and she showed my brothers and their wives. Now I feel different towards them. Not that I ever talked to them to begin with. Maybe holidays or birthdays. The funny thing is I would send emails and texts letting my siblings know how much I love and miss them. (that's a totally different topic) I don't talk much on the phone because it makes me uncomfortable but I would still communicate. No response. Not even an I love you too.
This feeling is not just limited to my family but those around me. I guess all in all I am growing distant. Distant from people, distant from my life. I don't want to go to church. I don't want to be around people just to keep up appearances.
It makes me question my life. I know there is two things I want always in my life and that is my husband and my kids the rest can. . . . . . .
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Husband - Watcha doin
I just have one question for you
But I think I'll resist this time around
Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: The Faceless 4th of July Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. Last movie you saw in a theater?
2. What book are you reading?
3. Favorite board game?
4. Favorite magazine?
5. Favorite smells?
6. Favorite sounds?
7. Worst feeling in the world?
8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
9. Favorite fast food place?
10. What's under your bed?
11. Finish this statement. "If I had lot of money I'd….?
12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
13. Storms – cool or scary?
14. Favorite drink?
15. Finish this statement, "If I had the time I would…."?
16. If you had to dye your hair another color, what would be your choice?
17. Favorite place to relax?
18. Name all the different cities/towns you've lived in?
19. Favorite sports to watch?
20. Would you like to be born as yourself again?
Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player's posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!
Saturday Sex Spot - Reverse Cowgirl
I found this picture on a blog that did a post on sex positions guys hate. I didn't know there were any sex position a guy COULD hate. Guys? As long as you are getting some, right?!
Reverse cowgirl is not a position I do very often mostly because I like looking at my guy and I have insecurities about my back side being watching jigglin up and down. Which is funny because I love doggie style but I believe it is different for that position. I like this position because it gives the man pleasure and for the most part they enjoy the view.
How do you feel about this position?